
On the next day of the music festival, I got a chance to go to Tokyo to join the English Education Conference. The junior high students and senior high students of schools in Tokyo were on the stage in front of a big hall which holds around 3,000 audience, and show us their English class there. I believe that all the students must have been very nervous with two TV cameras around them, but they concentrated themselves into their class. Especially the teachers attracted the students with a loud, clear voice and nice actions, even in front of thousands of English teachers from all over Japan. (Nov. 18, 2000)

The theme of this conference was 'to increase students' practical communication ability in English.' There held many sectional meetings on the next day. So many ideas of many SUPER teachers were presented there. Since there were too many numbers of the meetings, I could only join two of them. One was 'Teaching and Evaluation of English Speaking.' And the other was what the teacher who showed us his English class on the previous day do in his ordinary classes, including his basic idea. I was so impressed to hear his many ideas such as 'having an English classroom,' 'an idea which does not need a teacher's keeping the students' score in every class, but that makes the students very active in English class,' and so on. (Nov. 19, 2000)

I've been busy with daily classes, settling the comprehensive study, report to give to the Ministry of Education, making pictures to put in the corridor, and so on, since I came back from Florida. But I'm working on the introduction of the school visit in Florida of my site, too. I'm also going to see the English Education Research Conference held in Tokyo. I'm updating this page in the Super Express Train.
There held the Kitakami Junior High School Music Festival in November. All the 9th grade students in my school also joined it and sang a couple of songs they practiced. But I felt their voice was not loud enough since they had very little time to practice. Anyway, they did their best. (Nov. 17, 2000)

There held a variety show to consecrate to God of the shrine near my house. The temporary shops often opened there for the festivals to pray good harvest in fall make me relaxed. You should never light flash bulbs to take this kind of pictures. (Sep. 10, 2000)

My old student who graduated from my school left for the U.S. to study abroad in a high school in the state of Conneticut for as long as three years. Her family as well as her friends came to Kitakami station to see her off. When I have studied abroad before (only for 10 months), I was able to communicate relatively fluently since three months passed. She still seems too young. But this is her choice. Will her trip be safe and her study be meaningful for her. (Aug. 26, 2000)

 7月に退職されたMatt先生の、後継のALTとしていらしたのは、カナダ出身のGary Wallace先生でした。来日したのはこれで三回目とのことですが、働くのは(しかも教師として)初めてだったそうです。それにしては、初めてやったはずの授業中の自己紹介もあまり緊張したように思えず、私の方も安心してみていられました。話される英語はちょっと早口のようですが、今後のご活躍を期待しましょう。(2000.8.25)
Our school welcomed a new ALT, Mr.Gary Wallace, who is from Canada, and is the next teacher to Mr.Matthew VanWeezel. He has visited Japan three times already, including this time. But this is his first experience to be a teacher. In spite of this, he did not seem to be nervous when he introduced himself in his very first class. His English is a little too fast, but I hope he will try his best. (Aug. 25, 2000)

I found a nice cloud on a hot day in the summer. I couldn't help taking a picture of it. The cloud looks such beautifully even with a digital camera of 1.3 million pixels. (Aug. 4, 2000)

 7月16日の皆既月食はご覧になりましたか? 私は、所有しているミザール製15cm反射赤道儀にて近所の人たちと観望しました。同時に、銀塩カメラで写真も撮ってみました。写真データ:Nikon F801 ボディ+タムロン28-200mmズームにて固定撮影。2000年7月16日23:05。28mmF3.8にて30秒露光したものを写真にし、ALPS MD4000Sにて600dpiでスキャンしたデータをPhotoshopにて一部修正。(2000.7.16)
In Japan we could see a total lunar eclipse on July 16. I watched it through my 6" reflector telescope with my neighbors. At the same time, I took some pictures using my film camera. Data: A fixed Nikon F801 body + Tamron 28-200mm zoom lenz. 30 seconds explosure at 28mm F=3.8. (July 16, 2000)

 北上市の外国人英語講師であるMatthew Van Weezel先生が、2年間の教員としての勤務を終えることとなりました。彼は、日本語の会話、読み書きもほとんど完璧に近いほど勉強し、生徒が知らない漢字を書いたりできるほどでした。北上市を去ったあとは、東京にて外資系の証券会社に勤める予定とのことです。そういえば、私の隣の席でいっしょうけんめい株についての(当然日本語で書かれた)厚い本を読んでいましたっけ。下の写真は、私の勤める学校での、最後の授業中の様子と、お別れ式の様子です。次の職場での、健闘を祈りましょう。(2000.7.13)
Mr. Matthew Van Weezel, who is one of assistant language teachers of Kitakami finished his 2-year job. He studied Japanese enough to exchang orally, as well as read + write almost anything in Japanese. He can even write many Chinese characters which my students don't know. After leaving Kitakami, he is going to work for a foreign-oriented securities company in Tokyo. I remember that he was seriously reading Japanese books about securities. The pictures below are the ones of his last class and fairwell ceremony. I hope his succeed in his next job. (July 13, 2000)

 6月も下旬です。「あれ? もう梅雨に入ったっけ?」と感じさせるような、けっこう暑い日々です。私の勤める中学校では来週、期末テストがあります。そろそろ作らなくっちゃ。(2000.6.26)
June will be over soon. It's been pretty hot these days and I'm feeling like the rainy season has come. I have to make tests since the finals will be next week. (June 26, 2000)

March has come. It's the time that we'll have spring soon. We seem to have had a warm winter in Iwate. My son is sick in a hospital right now. I'm updating my site IN the hospital for the first time. It's been a time since the last updating. (Mar. 8, 2000)

We had 2 inches of snow in Kitakami at the end of November. Winter finally has come. I changed the tires of my car with winter tires. I hear you can ski in ski areas near here. (Dec. 6, 1999)

 10月16日に、北上コンピュータアカデミーという専門学校の体育館をお借りして、姉妹都市提携25年パーティが開かれました。北上アンバサダー協会の方々をはじめとした多くの人たちのご努力により、ものすごく多くの参加者がありました。会場にはコンコード市の紹介、日本の文化の紹介のコーナーが開設され、日米の踊りなども披露されました。私としては、過去のALTとして一緒に英語を教えたスーザン バーキットさんと久しぶりに会うことができ、うれしい限りでした。私の中学校からも5人の生徒が(3000円も払って)参加していました。(1999.10.16)
The 25th memorial party between the city of Concord, CA, and my city, both being sister cities, was held on October 16 at the gym of a speciality school named 'Kitakami Computer Academy.' Thanks to the many people who worked for the preparation including people who belong to Kitakami Ambassador Organization, so many people joined the party. Introduction of the City of Concord, as well as Japanese culture such as Kimono, tea ceremony and calligraphy were seen there. Also, dances of both countries were exhibited. I was very glad to have been able to see Susan Burkitt, my old ALT, whose sister Mary being a present ALT in Kitakami, and who works back in Concord now. Five students of my junior high school were also there. The students, as all the participants did, paid as much as 3,000 yen(about $27) ! (Oct. 16, 1999)

 8月10日に現北上市教育事務所ALTのMatthew VanWeezelさんのご両親と弟のTimさんが北上市を訪問なさっていたので、市内の有志の先生方が集まり、その歓迎パーティが開かれました。(1999.8.10)
One of the present ALTs in Kitakami is Mr. Matthew VanWeezel. His parents and brother visited Kitakami, and teachers who wanted to welcome them, had a welcome party on August 10. (Aug. 10, 1999)


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