Annual Events

Hina Matsuri, a Girl's Festival (A6F)

In Japan March 3 is Hina Matsuri or Girl's Festival. For this festival we display kimono-clad dolls in our houses. We also display many other things besides dolls such as flowers and paper lamps.
Once the festival is over if you do not put the dolls away soon, it is said that you will be late in getting married.

New Year's day in Japan (B2M)

New Year's day in Japan is called shougatsu. On this day many Japanese people do things like watch the sun rise and go and visit their friends and family. Also in the few days after the New Year almost all Japanese go to a jinjya, or shrine, to pray for a good year ahead. Originally, people used to pray to the spirits that influence the harvest of rice, flour, beans and millet. During this time children also receive what is called otoshidarma from their parents and relatives. A long time ago, the otoshidarma had mochi, (rice cakes) , in it, but now children get money. There are also special kinds of food that are only eaten during Shougatsu called osechi ryori.

St.Valentine's Day (B5F)

In Japan, Valentine's Day is the same day as in America, February 14th. However there are some differences between the two. In America, usually the man gives the woman he likes/loves flowers or chocolate, but in Japan for the most part women give chocolate to men only. They give chocolate to both the man they like as well as other men they know. Chocolate given to one's boyfriend/husband is called "honmei choco" (lit: favorite chocolate) and chocolate given to other males, such as co-workers, is called "giri-choco" (lit: obligation chocolate) since they are expected to give it to all classmates/co-workers.
We did a survey in our class to see what boys would do if they got chocolate from a girl that they liked on Valentine's Day. Most boys said that they give the girls some sort of cake or candy on March 14th when males are expected to give candy/cake to girls. That day is called "White Day."

Christmas in Japan (B6F)

In Japan, just like America, Christmas Eve is on December 24th andChristmas is December 25th. On Christmas Eve in Japan we eat cakes and have a big meal. Children who have been good wake up on Christmas morning and find a small gift next to their pillow. Is it really from Santa Klaus ? When you get older you get presents directly from your parents. Most people have a small Christmas tree (8in-3ft in size) in their home which they decorate.

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